Panthers of the Month – March 2021

The Panther of the Month award is given to students who consistently display the pillars of PRIDE.  Those are perseverance, respect, integrity, diversity and empathy.


millsEthan Mills, Class of 2021

I am sure that when Ethan ran for ASB President he had a different vision for what that leadership would like. However, when the reality of what our school year would like, Ethan did not quit his role as President. He has adapted and engaged his peers as much as he could during this time and despite his own concerns about the world. I am impressed by his leadership, core values, positive outlook and willingness to continue on as a bold leader of WHS.



KaufmanHunter Kaufman, Class of 2022

Hunter attends class regularly and always with a positive and engaging attitude. He is a joy to talk to during class, takes responsibility for himself and his work, and is honest when he has missed a goal but perseveres to achieve it. Hunter’s attitude and personal growth make him a student to celebrate.





StephensonBen Stephenson, Class of 2023

Ben has a radiantly positive attitude and has held that this entire school year. He helps others out in the class and is engaged during sync lessons. The primary reason for the nomination, however, is his positive attitude!

Ben is actively involved in his async work; in groups, he brings all voices into the conversation; he is curious and engaged.





WadeEmily Wade, Class of 2024

In science class, we emphasize the three scientific virtues of Inquiry, Integrity and Humility, and Emily exemplifies all of these. She is engaged in lessons, turning on her camera with a cheery smile, and wanting to learn. When she does not understand she is not afraid to ask questions that ultimately benefit the whole class. Emily shows leadership in her breakout group, where she helps to engage other students who may be less confident than she is.