El nuevo programa de inmersión bilingüe de Washougal comienza su primera cohorte de kindergarten este otoño.
- Nuestro programa se centra en el aprendizaje del idioma, en lo académico y en la diversidad cultural y comienza con un 90 % de instrucción en español y un 10 % en inglés.
- La cohorte de Kindergarten en la Escuela Primaria Hathaway comienza este otoño.
- Las familias deben solicitar para participar en este programa Magnet gratuito. Se da prioridad a los que solicitan antes del 1º de junio.
- Para obtener más información y para inscribir a su alumno de kindergarten, visite:
La investigación* muestra que los estudiantes que participan en programas bilingües:
- Obtienen mejores resultados en las pruebas de rendimiento académico en ambos idiomas;
- Están más involucrados en la instrucción en el aula;
- Son más felices y están más motivados;
- Logran mayores tasas de graduación;
- Son profesionales bilingües de éxito cuando son adultos.
Washougal School District is proud to announce that we are expanding our Dual Language program, which began in the 2021-2022 school year.
Washougal Public Schools is committed to seeing all students known, nurtured, and challenged to rise! In order to help our students be competitive as they pursue post-secondary educational and career opportunities, we are offering a dual-language immersion program which will help students develop fluency through their studies. Both native English and native Spanish speakers are invited, and benefit from this program. This program will:
- Promote high academic achievement for all students, and close the achievement gap
- Let students achieve true bilingualism and biliteracy
- Increase culturally responsive teaching throughout our district
- Foster and promote cultural diversity and mutual respect among students and their families
- Promote a sense of unity throughout the school
Our dual language program model
Our program is based on a 90/10 model, which has been shown to be very effective. Research guiding our program development (Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. P. 2017) shows that students who participate in Dual Language programs:
- Score higher on academic achievement tests in both languages
- Are more engaged with the classroom instruction
- Are happier and more motivated
- Achieve higher graduation rates
- Are successful bilingual professionals as adults
The program will be housed at Hathaway Elementary School. Students participating in this program will have instruction from school art, music, PE, and library specialists along with their dual language Kindergarten curriculum. The new dual language program is supported by the voter approved 2020 Washougal Educational Programs and Operations levy. Families do not need to be Spanish speaking to participate. Transportation is provided for residents of the district.
Students and families must apply to be part of this free program, with priority registration before June 1. If the number of students exceeds the space available, a lottery will determine participation. Families are encouraged to talk with Jason Foster, program administrator at 360-954-3833, if they have questions or need information before signing up.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why start with Kindergarten?
Research has shown that young learners are primed for language acquisition, and can more easily learn a second language at a young age. This also gives them the time needed, about five to seven years, to develop mastery of both languages.
Who do I contact for more information?
Contact Betty Gabel, Administrative Assistant, for more information, at 360-954-3015.
How to apply?
As you enroll your student in Kindergarten, you can apply to our Dual Language program at the same time. Look for the option to choose Dual Language when you register. Space in the program is limited, and participation will be driven by a lottery system if applicants exceed space available. Early registration ends June 1, 2021.
Обучение по новой двуязычной программе с погружением впервые начинается в Вашугале в классе Киндергартен осенью этого года!
Наша программа сосредоточена на изучении языка, получении академических знаний и ознакомлении с культурным разнообразием и она начинается с 90%-ного преподавания на испанском языке и 10%-ного преподавания на английском языке.
- Группа Киндергартен начнет свое обучение в начальной школе Hathaway Elementary School осенью этого года.
- Для того, чтобы Ваш ребенок начал обучение по этой бесплатной магнитной программе, необходимо заполнить заявление. Семьи, подавшие заявление до 1 июня, будут иметь право первоочередности.
Чтобы получить более подробную информацию и зарегистрировать своего ребенка в двуязычный класс Киндергартен, зайдите на вебсайт:
Исследования показывают*, что учащиеся, обучающиеся по двуязычным программам:
- Имеют более высокую академическую успеваемость на экзаменах, проводимых на обоих языках;
- Принимают более активное участие на занятиях в классе;
- Более жизнерадостны и заинтересованы;
- Имеют более высокую вероятность окончания школы;
- В будущем становятся успешными двуязычными профессионалами.