Bargaining News

WAE/WSD Bargaining Update 6-19-2024

At the bargaining session on June 17, 2024, the Washougal School District and Washougal Association of Educators reached a tentative agreement on a one-year contract.  The association will schedule time for their members to meet and ratify the contract.  Once ratified, the contract is subject to approval by the Washougal School Board. Full details around the contract will be posted once the contract is ratified and approved by the school board.

WAE/WSD Bargaining Update – May 24, 2024

Washougal School District continues to meet with the Washougal Association of Educators as we negotiate a contract for our teachers for the next school year.  The two groups have met a total of eight times since February, and we have reached agreement on two thirds of the issues that were opened at the start.  

We value our teachers and have offered them all the money the state gave us for teacher raises…and then some.

  • The state will give us about 2.3% or $393,000 for inflationary raises for teachers for next year – the IPD

  • WSD Offer: A 3% raise to base compensation, which will cost $500,000 more than this year;

  • Teachers’ Request:  A 5.7% raise, costing $1 million more than this year

Recognizing the financial crisis we are in, all other bargaining groups in the district have agreed to either a salary freeze, reduction, or concession. This includes a pay freeze and pay cut agreed by the superintendent, directors, and supervisors, a pay freeze for central office clerical staff, and a salary concession by the Principal Association of Washougal below what was included in their multi-year agreement. The Washougal Athletic and Activities association that represents coaches and activity advisors has agreed to a pay freeze, and the PSE of Washougal (classified educators like bus drivers, custodians, and secretaries) have agreed to an increase lower than the amount allocated using the state’s inflation factor, the Implicit Price Deflator or IPD.

The two groups plan to meet again for bargaining on June 12 and 13, 2024. 

Bargaining By The Numbers: 

  • Number of times we have met: 8
  • Number of hours bargaining: 25.5
  • Number of proposals WSD created: 13
  • Number of proposals WAE created: 28
  • Number of WSD proposals Tentatively Agreed Upon: 5
  • Number of WAE proposals Tentatively Agreed Upon: 17
  • Number of WSD proposals Withdrawn: 5
  • Number of WAE proposals Withdrawn: 2
  • Percentage of proposals we have reached tentative agreement: 54%
  • Percentage of proposals we have reached tentative agreement or have been withdrawn:71%  
  • Percentage base salary raise requested from WAE: 5.7% or about $1 Million
  • Percentage raise to base salary WSD has offered: 3% or about $501,507
  • Amount of money the state provided for WSD teacher raises: $393,000

Graphic showing average salary increase by employee group, with teachers receiving 54% increase since 2017, classified receiving 51%, and admin receiving 44%.

WAE/WSD Bargaining Update – May 10, 2024

The district has shared information about our financial situation, including the need to reduce staff, with our teachers.  Our fund balance below policy, and that our school district is on the state “watch list” for districts having significant financial challenges. The district has met six times to bargain with the teacher association, but we have not yet reached agreement.  

The teachers have asked for $1 million in raises, an increase of 5.7% from their current salaries.  The district has offered $397,000 in increases, or about 2.3%. The teacher association and district will meet again to bargain on May 13, 2024.

List of Bargaining Sessions:

  • February 26 3:30 to 5:00 PM 1.5 hours
  • March 14 3:30 to 6:30 PM 3 hours
  • March 25 3:30 to 6:30 PM 3 hours
  • March 28 12:30 to 6:30 PM 6 hours
  • April 15 3:30 to 6:30 PM 3 hours
  • May 2 3:30 to 6:30 PM 3 hours
  • May 13 3:30 to 6:30 PM 3 hours
  • May 21 3:30 to 6:30 PM 3 hours

News and related updates around collective bargaining will be posted on this page. Copies of existing agreements are on the Bargaining Information Page.