Hello Cape Horn-Skye Families!

I hope you and your family have enjoyed a restful and fun summer.  Our staff is busy preparing to return to teach and learn alongside our amazing students.  If you are new to Cape, WELCOME!  If you are returning, THANK YOU!  I’m so glad we will be together this school year.

Office Changes

Our office will reopen for the 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 27th. Our office hours are 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM daily.

The Cape Horn-Skye and Canyon Creek offices will be consolidated this coming school year.  We will have two combined areas, the Business Office and the Student Office.  All students on campus in grades TK through 8 will be able to access the services provided in both offices.

The Business Office will be located on the Canyon side, where both campus secretaries and Middle School Principal Jake Healea will be housed.  This office will be where the public enters, volunteers check in, and children check in/out if tardy or leaving early.  Both secretaries, Cynthia Fahrenkrug and Megan Lambert, will support each school.

The Student Office will be located on the Cape side, where Nurse Kate London and Elementary Principal Brooke Henley will be housed.  This office will be where all campus students access nursing supports as well as other social and emotional services such as planned breaks or problem-solving when needed.

Cape and Canyon students will also have a shared Counselor, Amy Henke.  Her office will be next to the Student Office.

The public will enter and exit on the Business Office side, and the Cape front doors will be locked for public entry.  Only staff may enter through these doors.  We will have signage outside of the school pointing people in the right direction.

Transition to Kindergarten

Our TK class starts September 23rd, 2024.  The TK Orientation Night will be September 19th, 4:00-5:00pm.


Kindergarten Orientation will be Thursday, August 29, 4:00-5:00pm.  Please be ready for a whole-group presentation at 4:00.   At this event, kindergartners will meet teachers, get a tour of the school, ride a bus, and more!  You may bring your child’s school supplies this evening.

Kindergartners will follow a Smart Start schedule.  Their first day of school will be split up into smaller groups of students, and it will be a gradual start to the school year for kids to build confidence and familiarity.  We will be contacting you in the coming weeks to let you know your child’s specific schedule.


Back to School Night

Back to School Night is Thursday, August 29th from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Back to School Night is an informal opportunity to meet staff members, see your child’s classroom, and become familiar with the building.  You may bring your child’s school supplies this evening.

First Day of School

Tuesday, September 3rd is the first day of school for some Kindergartners, and for everyone grades 1-5.  On this first day we encourage you to come early if you’re driving in, park and walk carefully to take pictures in front of our bell!

Back to school information, supply lists, and more

Please visit our back-to-school page to find school supply lists and dates for open house events.  This page also includes updated meal prices; the free and reduced price meal form; immunization requirements and free clinic information; and other helpful information to get your student’s year off to a great start.


We use Qmlativ (formerly Skyward) as our student information system.  This system will allow you to connect to student lunch accounts and fees, identify bus schedules, and monitor your student’s academic progress.  Should you need help accessing this system, please see our informational webpage.  Our school office, (360)954-3600, may also be able to assist you with any questions you might have.


This message was created to you via our communication system ParentSquare.  This system has many wonderful features.  I highly encourage you to get the app on your phone and utilize your preferred notification level.  I find that most parents and staff use this to communicate quickly and easily with one another.  Regular communication back and forth between school and home is a strong contributor to student success.

Classroom Assignments

We are still working to finalize student class placements.  We still have families registering and as a result we need to continue to balance our classes.  If you log into Qmlativ now, you may see a teacher’s name.  Be aware that this could change for some students.  We plan to have class lists finalized prior to Back to School Night.

Bus Schedules

Please check Qmlativ for your student’s bus route. We recommend that your student gets to the bus route at least five minutes prior to the scheduled time, especially on the first day of school.  If you have questions about busing, please visit the WSD Transportation website or contact the Transportation Department at (360)954-3030.

Daily Schedules and Calendars

We begin school each day at 8:00 AM.  Students can enter the building starting at 7:40 AM either by parent drop off or via the bus.  If you use the parent drop off option in the morning, please enter our campus and turn right, driving all the way to the end of the parking lot.  We ask that you loop around the entire front of the school curb, so that the line can extend long enough and not block the River Road.  Additionally, please do not cut through to the front of the school by the ballet box.  The first few days of school we will have signage out to guide you.  We want to maintain a safe and orderly parking lot.

If your child arrives past 8:00 am or is tardy to school, please park and walk your child to the office.  If you need to change your child’s going-home plans, please notify our office ASAP.  Also, please report any absence to our school via the absence reporting line.

Our school day ends at 2:30 PM, except on Wednesday when we have an early release at 1:50 PM.  If you are picking your child up at the end of the school day, please park and walk to the exterior library door.  Shortly after dismissal, we will open it and you can come into the library to retrieve your student.

Due to scheduled events (for example, conferences) and unscheduled events (inclement weather), we sometimes run different schedules. We will notify you in these instances. You can find our district calendar here.

Life Threatening Illnesses or Injuries

Please ensure your child has their medicine and information about any life-threatening illnesses or allergies shared with us by the first day of school. If you have questions about this, please contact our school nurse, Kate London, at (360) 954-3616.

This Year will be AWESOME!

I look forward to a great year with our Kodiaks. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (360) 954-3601.


❤️ Principal Brooke Henley