At the May 28 board meeting, I announced my resignation from the school board, effective June 12, 2024. This decision did not come lightly. I’ve recognized the importance of my changing personal priorities that require more attention than I can provide while serving on the school board, and I know that stepping down is something I must do for myself.

I want to express my gratitude to my fellow board members for the support and collaboration we have shared during my time on the board. Serving on the school board has been a rewarding and, at times, a very challenging experience. I have poured my time and energy into this elected volunteer position over the past almost six years, and I am proud of the progress we have made together as a board, especially through the challenging times that we have faced, unlike any directors before us.

During my time on the board, we have been recognized twice by the Washington State School Directors Association as a Board of Distinction, our teachers and staff have been recognized at the regional and state level. Our board has increased student voice in decision-making and at school board meetings. We have added time for citizen comments, started live-streaming meetings, and added the Board Listening Tours to connect directly with the community.

I am confident that this board will continue to move forward with the same dedication and passion that I have witnessed during my time here. I am thankful for those I have served with for their different perspectives and opinions, which have helped me grow as an individual. While we were not always in agreement, we could work together respectfully, and I appreciate that, especially in today’s climate.

I am grateful for the families and community members who have been supportive, reached out respectfully with questions over the years, and genuinely wanted to learn or get involved with our schools.

I am thankful to the staff who work hard every day to make sure our students are supported. I have personally seen some staff members put in many extra hours a day. Your dedication is seen and appreciated. Thank you for your commitment to students, families, education, and our future.