Students from WHS Engineering classes presented to the Washougal City Council last night, and shared ideas about green infrastructure projects that would make the Washougal community an even better place to live, work, and learn. Five groups shared projects that considered proposed investments in dog parks, sidewalks, tree planting, a food forest, and a bike park.
Teachers Jason Blaesing and Donna Schatz worked with students to envision their project, identify barriers and costs, and to refine their “pitch” so students would be ready to share with the council. Each group used mapping tools to generate a proposed site, researched environmental benefits and challenges for their project, and developed a proposal to share this information, along with costing estimates.
Pictured (below) are Superintendent Dr. Mary Templeton with students Brandon Austenfeld, Miles Brown, William Logan, and teacher Jason Blaesing, with Gracie Miller (above) presenting to the council.