We are excited to share a unique and valuable opportunity for Washougal High School juniors and seniors. The City of Washougal is looking for motivated and passionate students to apply for the role of Student Representative on the City Council.

This position offers a chance for a Student Representative and one alternate to engage with local government, voice their opinions on community issues, and represent the youth of Washougal. Responsibilities include attending City Council meetings and workshops twice per month and collaborating with council members. By contributing to discussions on key community matters, the Student Representative will help ensure that the perspectives of Washougal’s younger residents are heard.

Applicants must be a junior or senior living within the Washougal High School boundary or Washougal city limits for the 2024-25 school year. Applicants should also be able to commit to attending city council meetings, and additional events as needed, for one year beginning in October 2024. An extension to the one-year term may be available to juniors.

Apply online by Thursday, September 18, 2024! Applicants must include a resume of no more than two pages and a one-page cover letter outlining their interest in the position, how they plan to contribute to the City Council and their community/extracurricular involvement.

This is a unique opportunity for students to step into a leadership role and make a difference in their community. We encourage all eligible juniors and seniors to consider applying and taking part in this important civic experience!